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Dlc Military - Activision is trying to raise $3 million to help place veterans in good jobs.

Activision is launching a new fundraising and awareness campaign to support veterans, and one part of it is a DLC pack for Black Ops Cold War and Warzone.

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The new campaign is called the Call of Duty Endowment Medical Heroes campaign, and aims to honor the doctors and men and women of hospitals. In total, Activision is seeking to raise $300 million to help fund a variety of veteran services.

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The new DLC is called Call of Duty Endowment War Doc Pack, and it is now available in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone. This bundle includes a new Operator skin based on the image of Timothy Hobbs Jr., a US Army veteran who is also a huge Call of Duty fan. Hobbs has been deployed to four different combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he also served on a relief mission to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.

"Unemployment and shortages have hit veterans hard, especially during the ongoing pandemic, and we want to support our partners who are working hard to transition former service members into meaningful work," said Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick.

In addition to the DLC pack, this campaign includes the so-called "Revival Challenge" in Warzone. Now through May 9, anyone who revives five players in the Battle Royale game will receive an exclusive Call of Duty Endowment phone card. If 1 million people complete the challenge, Warzone players will receive a double XP experience.

Finally, Activision said it will donate $1 to the Call of Duty Endowment for each person who completes the challenge, totaling $1 million. Activision is looking to raise $2 million from the sale of the DLC pack to bring the total for this fundraising campaign to $300 million.

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"There is a disconnect for transitioning medical service providers. A lot of veterans with a lot of experience are left out of the workforce because they don't have the right social media credentials, but I hope we can change that," Hobbs Jr. . "As a success story and believer of the Call of Duty Endowment, I applaud the work the Endowment is doing for the medical community to help address this growing problem."

The Warzone "connect" screen will display banners for this campaign throughout the month of May, which is Military Appreciation Month.

Activision also announced that the oil company Pilot Company has donated $100,000 as part of the campaign. The money will be used specifically to support efforts to place nearly 200 veterans in jobs.

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To date, the Call of Duty Endowment has helped find new jobs for more than 81,000 veterans; the organization aims to increase this number to 100,000 by 2024. According to Activision, the cost of employing veterans through the Endowment was $515 in 2020, which it says is about a sixth of the money from the United States. of work.

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Call of Duty Endowment Director Dan Goldenberg said the Endowment's social media channel will highlight stories of veterans talking about their experiences and finding new jobs after their time in the service.

"By removing the obstacles for veterans and hospital corpsmen, the Endowment hopes to solve an important part of the work and unemployment of the veterans, especially at a time when our state and national leaders are asking for" medical forces. workforce," Goldenberg said. "As we emerge from the global pandemic and rebuild our workforce, the Call of Duty Endowment is dedicated to our mission of helping veterans find quality jobs and demonstrating the value that veterans bring to our community bring."

The products discussed here have been independently selected by our editors. can get a share of money if you buy everything available on our site. 1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption - SSD V and DLC VI are two completely different courses. Therefore, Sergeants Major who have completed SSD V will also be required to complete DLC VI. DLC VI did not provide equal credit, DLC VI launched March 1 (Photo credit: Danielle O'Donnell) SEE ORIGINAL

2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption - The last DLC course, DLC VI started March 1st. This course trains 7 "Series" sergeant majors and command sergeant majors to serve at the highest brigade or senior positions throughout today. work environment (Image credit: Help) SEE ORIGINAL

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3/3 Show Caption + Hide Caption - DLC VI prepares the Master Sergeant by offering an opportunity to develop as a professional and as an individual in the community, DLC VI launched March 1st.

FORT BLISS, Texas - Over the past 13 months, the NCO Leadership Center of Excellence has launched all levels of Leadership Training offered to the Army.

The last DLC course, DLC VI was launched on March 1. This course trains senior 7 "Series" sergeants majors and command sergeants majors to perform high-level tasks at brigade or high-level positions throughout today's operational environment.

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"DLC VI is a new level of training after completing the NCO Professional Military Higher Education, which is the Sergeants Major Academy," Ordaz said. "This course is designed to prepare SGMs and CSMs for senior positions at the brigade level rather than learning by trial and error."

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This course includes lessons covering all four learning areas of leadership and the profession, mission command, operations and training. Focused on CSM and SGM roles mainly within the brigade unit.

DLC VI participant, Command Sergeant Maj. Dewey E. Clemons Jr. he explains how the course is designed so that Senior Registered Leaders think beyond the training and apply it in real time.

"These studies provided a link between what NCOs have done throughout their careers and how they should do in their future careers," Dewey said. "This will enable the Corps to add value to their careers through the implementation of NCO Common Core Competencies."

Not only does the latest DLC fully support the six NCO Core Skills, but it gives students the opportunity to interpret and explore topics as well.

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Dewey also believed that the difficulty of the subjects developed to help him create leaders in higher education.

"Each of the topics presented in DLC VI prompted thinking about the roles and responsibilities of Senior NCOs at the operational and organizational level," he said. "They forced me to think beyond existing doctrine and to examine how leaders, at the brigade and higher echelons, can effectively lead the environment in which we operate over time."

Created in a progressive and sequential format according to the new learning model (Experiential), the Shared Leadership Course fills a gap in NCO Professional Military Education and prepares the student for the next permanent PME course.

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"DLC VI closes the gap to bring the full spectrum to the CSMs selected for the brigade," Sergeant Maj. Haywood L. Vines, a participant in the DLC VI group trial said.

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Another participant in the trial, Sgt. Maj. Andrew Estes Jr. they felt that this training increases the knowledge base of the student.

"In my opinion, DLC VI, when taken by the student, will increase their critical and creative thinking necessary to provide relevant and informed advice at the work and professional level," Estes said. "It gives them a voice at the table,"

The final DLC level prepares the master sergeant by providing an opportunity to develop as a professional and as a person in the community for self-improvement.

SSD V and DLC VI are two completely different courses. Therefore, Sergeants Major who have completed SSD V will also be required to complete DLC VI. DLC VI does not offer equal credits.

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"The modules in each course are highly interactive, requiring students to make appropriate leadership and mission command decisions in support of the commander's mission," he said.

Ordaz added, "DLC VI is not a course where you can use your computer control to find an answer function, it has to learn the results and learn the new information along with using personal experience to make the right decision."

The NCO Leadership Center of Excellence Facilitates the Transition of Enlisted Leadership For more information on NCOLCoE or DLC visit the NCO Worldwide website at https://www.ncoworldwide./.FORT BLISS, TX, UNITED STATES 10.10.2019 Story by David Crozier and Danielle ODonnell The NCO Leadership Center of Excellence

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FORT BLISS, Texas - The NCO Leadership Center of Excellence has helped when it comes to ensuring Soldiers have the right tools and training to be successful and professional NCOs. The latest of these tests is the Distributed Leader Course, DLC IV which went live on October 1st.

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"This course is part of the progression and sequence of NCO Professional Military Education, and the goal is to prepare Sergeants First Class for the Master Leader Course, Claudia Nieto," said DLC course manager. This course covers topics that soldiers are likely to be exposed to, namely

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